David Robinson
Partner, Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary

David Robinson’s practice focuses on labor and employment law, particularly employment discrimination litigation and wage and hour compliance. He has extensive experience representing transportation employers in various courts throughout the country and against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission U.S. Department of Labor. His experience includes:

  1. Classification of transportation workers as exempt v. non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act
  2. Developing policies that ensure background screens comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act Defending independent contractor business models
  3. Employment contract negotiations
  4. Severance negotiations
  5. Day-to-day personnel matters

Robinson has delivered lectures on numerous subjects in the field of employment law, such as:

  1. Practical Strategies for Transportation Industry Employees
  2. Avoiding Liability in the Workplace
  3. Personnel Law in Indiana
  4. Dealing with the Problem Employee
  5. FCRA Liabilities Commonly Overlooked by Motor Carriers
  6. Employment Law Challenges for the Modern Carrier
  7. Current Employment Law Issues in Transportation
  8. EEOC Enforcement Guidelines on Criminal Records and Driver Screening